Race Day



The race will go on regardless of precipitation and will only be
cancelled or postponed if weather conditions present imminent danger
to participants. We have never had to cancel the event due to weather.

Nebraska weather is unpredictable, but average May temperatures are:
Average low temperature: 46°F
Average high temperature: 67°F

You can check the local weather on TV stations 10/11 KOLN/KGIN
(CBS) or KLKN (ABC).

Cook Pavilion on 14th Street is open and available for runners to stretch and wait for the race to start.

Race Day Packet Pickup

Race-Day Packet Pickup is available in Cook Pavilion at 14th & Vine Streets from 5:45 to 7:00 a.m.

This is your last chance to get your race packet. The location in Cook Pavilion is marked on the Start Line map.

Elite & Wheelchair Bag Check and Claim

Special Bag Drop adjacent to the start line on the Southeast corner of 14th and Vine.

You will be given an official Lincoln Marathon bag at packet pickup marked with your race number. The National Guard will organize the bags by race number. All checked bags will be transported to Bag Claim in the parking garage after the race recovery area.  If you checked a bag before the race, be sure to claim it here.

Arrival & Parking

All athletes should arrive at the start line at least 45 minutes before the start of the race. Add additional time if you have not yet picked up your packet.

Athlete parking and dropoff is recommended in downtown Lincoln south of the start line and south of UNL’s City Campus. Parking is available in City of Lincoln Parking Garages (first hour free) and at parking meters (free on Sundays). There are limited parking lots available on the University of Nebraska–Lincoln campus. Runners and spectators will not be allowed to park in the Stadium Drive Parking Garage or the Champions Club lot.

2024 Lincoln Marathon Finish Line Parking Map

Bag Check and Claim

Bag Check is available before the race in Cook Pavilion at 14th & Vine Streets.

You will be given an official Lincoln Marathon bag at packet pickup marked with your race number. The National Guard will organize the bags by race number. All checked bags will be transported to the finish line
area and will be available beyond the finish line chute at the Stadium Drive
Parking Garage. If you checked a bag before the race, be sure to claim it here.

We strongly recommend you only put clothing in your checked bag.

Any valuables should be left at home. The Lincoln Marathon is not responsible for lost, stolen, or discarded property.


Portable restrooms will be available along W Street at the start,  along the running route, and at the finish line area. Restroom facilities will not be available inside Cook Pavillion.

Starting Line

14th & Vine – University of Nebraska

Lincoln Marathon Start and Finish Map

Start Times

Wheelchair and Rucksack Athletes

6:55 AM Corral W
6:55 AM Corral R

Marathon & Half Marathon Athletes

7:00 AM Corral A
7:03 AM Corral B
7:06 AM Corral C
7:10 AM Corral D
7:15 AM Corral E
7:20 AM Corral F
7:25 AM Corral G
7:30 AM Corral H
7:35 AM Corral I

Race Bib & Timing Chip Instructions

Your race bib will be picked up at packet pickup and will also include safety pins and your timing chip on the back of the race bib. Do not fold or damage your race bib, this is your timing chip! Securely fasten the race bib on the FRONT and OUTSIDE of your clothing so that it is visible to race officials and can be read by timing and photography equipment. Race bibs are non-transferable and may only be worn by the registered runner to whom it is assigned.

Pace Groups

SmartPacing will once again provide pacers for both races. The strategy they will implement on the course is easing into the first few miles to allow for an adequate warm-up and running all hills at an even effort to conserve energy. The pacers will also go slower through the aid stations.
Pacers will be available for the following times:
Marathon:  3:30, 3:45, 4:00, 4:10, 4:20, 4:30, 4:45, 5:00, 5:15, 5:30
Half Marathon:  1:30, 1:35, 1:40, 1:45, 1:50, 1:55, 2:00, 2:05, 2:10, 2:15, 2:20, 2:25, 2:30, 2:35, 2:40, 2:45, 2:50, 2:55, 3:00

Lining Up

  1. Know your assigned start wave. It is written on your race bib.
  2. Make sure you have your race bib and it is clearly visible.
  3. Begin lining up according to the start line wave. Start waves will be clearly signed and will follow each other in a continuous procession towards the start line.  Listen to the announcer and staff instructions.
  4. Consider carrying your own water bottle. We will have water on course that can be grabbed from tables at the aid stations.
  5. Consider also carrying any nutrition needed.
  6. You may move back a wave to run with another participant if needed. You may not move up a wave under any circumstance.


Water and Aid Stations

Throughout the race, we encourage and advise runners to stay hydrated to prevent both dehydration and hypothermia.

Water stations are located approximately every 1.5 miles and never more than 2.5 miles apart along the course. Each water station will provide water and Gatorade Endurance formula and ice. 

GU will be provided at one aid station during the Half Marathon and five aid stations on the Marathon course.

 Portable toilets are near the aid stations throughout the course.

Course Medical Resources

Each aid station will be staffed with a physician to assist runners. Vaseline and Band-Aids are also available. We will also have bikers and emergency personnel riding the course to assist you. A SAG wagon is available for runners who need to withdraw from the race. Ask a course monitor or aid station worker for assistance. A Radio Club member will be at each aid station if there is a need to relay a message to the finish.

Police and Course Monitors

Course monitors will be wearing orange vests or Lincoln Marathon T-shirts. They are there to assist you if you need help. Please obey instructions by Lincoln Police Department officers.

Time Limit

If marathon runners are not at the turnoff for the half marathon by 10:15 a.m., they will be directed to finish the half and not continue on the marathon course. The course is officially open until 1:30 p.m. Runners not expected to finish in that time may be directed to the sidewalk to finish their run.

Not Allowed on the Course

There are a number of items that are not allowed on the course including runners not wearing a bib, animals, non-official bikers, baby joggers or strollers, roller skates or rollerblades, skateboards, or any wheeled vehicles other than registered wheelchair athletes.


For the safety of our runners, we discourage runners from wearing headphones. If you choose to wear them, please use common sense and remove them to listen to all verbal instructions.

Course Elevation

Course Elevation

Finish Line 

University of Nebraska •  Champions Club • 707 Stadium Drive

The finish will be on Stadium Drive to the west of Memorial Stadium. All runners will finish by turning east from 10th Street onto T Street and then south onto Stadium Drive.

Both half marathoners and marathoners use the same first-loop of the two-loop course. Half marathoners turn east from 10th Street onto T Street and towards the Stadium Drive finish line . Marathoners will continue to the second loop but have the option of switching to the half marathon. Half marathon entrants may not switch to the marathon. Both races will finish on Stadium Drive on the west side of Memorial Stadium on UNL’s Main Campus.”

2024 Lincoln Marathon Finish Line Parking Map

Medals and Race Recovery

All runners will receive a finisher’s medal in the finish chute.

Water and post-race recovery beverages will be provided by Pepsi. Other race recovery snacks will be available for runners as they exit the finish chute in a grab-and-go fashion.

Finish Line Medical Resources

Medical resources are located at the finish line area at the ground level of the Champions Club.

Bag Claim

If you checked a bag before the race, it will be transported to the finish line area and will be available beyond the finish line chute north of the Champions Club. 

Help Area

The finish area Help Desk will be located adjacent to Bag Claim at the finish, just north of the Champions Club.


Complete results will be posted at lincolnmarathon.org and mtecresults.com Results will also be emailed to all participants.

Massage & Chiropractic Care 

Post-race massages and chiropractic adjustments will be offered in the lower level of the Champion’s Club.

Shower Facilities

Post-race showers facilities are not provided.

Post-Race Friends and Family Meeting Area

Champions Club • 707 Stadium Drive (North end of parking lot)

Friends and family may plan to meet up with their athlete in the north end of the Champions Club Parking Lot or determine their own specific meeting location on UNL Campus or downtown Lincoln. In the Champions Club Parking Lot, letters A-Z will be posted around the perimeter of the lot. Athletes can meet their friends and family by the letter that corresponds with their last name.
Spectators should not attempt to drive to the Champions Club, as all roads will be blocked for race activities. Spectators should plan to park downtown or at the finish line spectator parking provided in the Matt Lot #18 and Star Lot #7, both located at 8th and T Street. The finish line is just a short walk to the east.


Athlete Tracking

Check out our Lincoln Marathon App for news and information, as well as to track participants.

Spectating: Along the Course

Please be advised that getting around Lincoln on race day can be difficult and it can be easy to get stuck in traffic. We recommend selecting one location to spectate and arrive very early.

Below are anticipated times that runners are expected to be at various points along the course.

2024 Lincoln Marathon Anticipated Times

Spectating: Start and Finish

Spectators are welcome to cheer on their runners at the start and finish line. However, please be advised that getting around Lincoln on race day can be difficult and it can be easy to get stuck in traffic.

We recommend selecting one location to spectate and arrive very early. 

Also, spectators should not attempt to drive to the Start Line or Finish Line areas as all roads will be blocked for race activities. Spectators should plan to park downtown and walk to the start or finish line areas to spectate.

Post-Race Friends and Family Meeting Area

Champions Club • 707 Stadium Drive

Friends and family may plan to meet up with their athlete  inside the Champions Club Parking Lot on the north end.  Large letters A-Z will be attached to the fence.  Plan in advance to meet up with your athlete with the letter that corresponds to their last name in the Champions Club Parking Lot your own specific meeting location on UNL Campus or downtown Lincoln. Spectators should not attempt to drive to the Champions Club as all roads will be blocked for race activities. Spectators should plan to park downtown and walk to the finish area and Champions Club.

After Race Weekend

Race Photos

Athlete race photos will be made available via post-race emails.

Shirt Exchange

Shirt exchanges should be made at early packet packet as available. After the race, Contact Us

Lost and Found

Lost & Found on race day will be located at the finish area help area. After the race, Contact Us

Awards Ceremony

Details regarding the Awards Ceremony are on the Race Details – Awards page.