Race Details
Awards Ceremony
University of Nebraska • Champions Club • 707 Stadium Drive
– 9:00am: Half Marathon Overall, Masters, and Wheelchair Awards
– 10:15am: Half Marathon Age Division Awards
– 10:30am: Marathon Overall, Masters, and Wheelchair Awards
– 12:00pm: Marathon Age Division Awards and National Guard Ruck Awards
The top five overall winners for both races will be excluded from age-division awards. Prize money places are based on gun time. Age division places are based on chip time.
Award-winners should pick up their awards (or have it picked up on their behalf) on race day. After race day, award winners may request their award be shipped,
Marathon Awards
THE LEWIS R. ANDERSON AWARD is presented to the first man to
finish the Lincoln Marathon.
THE SOWERS CLUB CUP is presented to the first woman to finish the
Lincoln Marathon.
Overall Division – Plaques are presented to the first five overall men,
five overall women and five overall non-binary to finish the race.
Age Division – Plaques will be presented to the top three men and top
three women in each age division: 19 & under, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34,
35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80 & up.
Masters Division – Plaques are presented to the top two men and women masters division athletes.
Wheelchair Division – Plaques are presented to the top male and female wheelchair division athletes.
National Guard Awards – Awards are presented to the top three men and women National Guard athletes.
THE HARRY CROCKET MEMORIAL AWARD recognizes the first man
and woman over 50 to finish the Lincoln Marathon. This award honors
Harry Crocket Jr., founder of the over 50 club.
The CLARENCE OSBORN AWARD recognizes the oldest runner to complete
the marathon. Clarence epitomized the older runner as he began his
running career in his sixties and held running in his heart until the very
end, finishing the Tabitha Run by walking across the finish line just days
before he died in March 2019.
Half Marathon Awards
Overall Division – Plaques will be presented to the top five men and women to finish the half marathon.
Age Division – Trophies will be presented to the top three men and top
three women in each age division: 14 & under, 15–19, 20–24, 25–29,
30–34, 35–39, 40–44, 45–49, 50–54, 55–59, 60–64, 65–69, 70–74,
75–79, 80 & up.
Masters Division – Plaques are presented to the top two men and women masters division athletes.
Wheelchair Division – Plaques are presented to the top male and female wheelchair division athletes.
National Guard Awards – Awards are presented to the top three men and women National Guard athletes.
Prize Money Eligibility
The following schedules list cash awards for respective places in the Marathon and Half Marathon. Places are based on gun time, without duplication except for course records. All other places are based on chip time including specialty awards. Participants placing in the Overall Top 5 and and also placing in the Masters division will receive the greater of the two cash amounts and the other position will be vacated without replacement. Prizes will be paid only after results are declared final by Lincoln Marathon authorities and after administrative processing. Any person winning prize money must provide a US address for the mailing of the prize and any related documents. They also must ensure their US address is kept current with Lincoln Marathon staff. In addition, if prize money paid is $600 or more,
- Each US citizen must provide a properly completed and signed most current version of IRS Form W-9 (available on the IRS web site)
- Non-US citizens must provide a properly completed and signed most current version of IRS Form W-8BEN. Taxes will be withheld at the rate required by IRS regulations, 30% at the date of this writing. It is potentially beneficial for non-citizens to apply for a Taxpayer Identification Number and file a tax return to request refund of the withheld tax, but Lincoln Marathon staff cannot provide tax advice beyond the demand for the Form W-8BEN.
If any information on the form changes before the end of the year during which it is submitted, a new form with updated information must be submitted immediately. Failure to provide properly completed forms and a valid US address before the end of November immediately following the winning performance will result in forfeiture of the prize.
Marathon Prize Money
wdt_ID Place Men Women Masters Men Masters Women Wheelchair Men Wheelchair Women
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place
5th Place
Paid to the First Person to Break the Course Record:
$2000 Male 2:16:16
$2000 Female 2:38:17
$500 Masters Men 2:21:06
$500 Masters Women 2:46:29
Half Marathon Prize Money
wdt_ID Place Men Women Masters Men Masters Women Wheelchair Men Wheelchair Women
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place
5th Place
Paid to the First Person to Break the Course Record:
$1000 Male 1:03:45
$1000 Female 1:11:41
$400 Masters Men 1:10:16
$400 Masters Women 1:21:05
Race History
Over the years we’ve seen a lot of amazing performances. Go back through the pages of history with us and take a look at some of our past winners and current course records.